domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Sunrise over Hobart

Last week we decided that watching a sunrise over Hobart city was worth the effort of getting up at 5 am. And so we did!We drove to the summit of Mount Wellington and were lucky enough to catch a clear sky, that allowed us to enjoy an amazing view :) Unforgettable!
From the parking place it looked already promising
There it was!
It was a restless feeling to choose every moment whether to enjoy it quietly or to record it in a photo 
There were some spots with snow on the summit, so Stina made a tiny snow man and we had a snow battle...refreshing at 7 am
At a certain point,it looked like Hobart was on fire!
The city is waking up...
Time to go down, back to reality :)

2 comentários:

  1. As fotos e posts têm ficado cada vez mais bacanas! Se tivesse procurado patrocínio antes, é possível que algum canal de TV a cabo topasse fazer a série "Sofia in Taz", igual àqueles caras que viajam de moto ou coisa assim. :-)

  2. Olha!! Como é que eu nao pensei nisso antes?? :)
